Japanese Lessons for Beginners – Self Introduction [Part 2]



Self Introduction
自己紹介 (じこしょうかい)

In Part 1, we covered the two sentence commonly used for self introductions in Japan. They are:

はじめまして :  Nice to meet you.

どうぞよろしく おねがいします : Please be kind to me.

Again, if you cant understand the Japanese characters here, read my Hiragana and Katakana guides.

Gimme MORE!

ok! There are many things you can mention during your self introductions. You can provide your information like your name, nationality, age, occupation, and so much more.

As our Japanese gets better, we can add more variation to our self introductions. But for now, let’s keep things simple. (because I like it simple)

There is only 1 sentence structure we need to do all our self introductions; this is it.

わたしは____です。:  I am ____ .

With that 1 sentence structure, we can give our name, occupation, nationality, age and so much more to our new Japanese friend:)

Just put the information you wish to share, into the blank!

Boost my arsenal!

Now that we got the 1 ESSENTIAL sentence structure down, let’s expand our arsenal!

Share your name

わたしは ___ です。My name is ___.

Note: Names of foreigners are usually written using KATAKANA. Its quite simple. My name in Japanese is エンイー.

[ACTION STEP!] Find out your name in Japanese.
Break your name down into its individual syllabus and match the syllabus to the Katakana characters.
Share your name in Japanese via the comments box below!:)

Share your nationality

わたしは シンガポールじん です。I am a Singaporean.

Here’s a list of countries and their Japanese translation:


[ACTION STEP!] Find out what’s the Japanese term for your Country.
If the country is not in the list above, do a simple search on Google.
And, let me know the answer through the comments box below:)

Share your age

Refer to my guide to COUNTING IN JAPANESE to learn about numbers.

わたしは ____さい です。I am __age__.

When referring to age, say your age and end it with ‘さい’.

I see smoke…

coming out from your ears. Brain fried?

Alright, we will stop here for today:) Remember to do the [ACTION STEPS] and share your name and nationality in Japanese with me in the comments below!

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